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World Food Safety Day Celebrated at QAU

The Department of Microbiology, Quaid-i-Azam University in collaboration with the Directorate of Student Affairs (DSA), organized a symposium and poster competition to commemorate “World Food Safety Day.” Under the theme “Science to Production: Success stories in Pakistan,”

Prof. Dr. Rani Faryal, the Focal Person and Deputy Chair for Central Asia and Pakistan’s Team Lead of Food Safety for European Union Centres of Excellence shed light on the criticality of World Food Safety Day and its far-reaching implications.

The keynote speaker Dr. Naeem Khawaja, a prominent virologist and entrepreneur from Grand Pharma (Pvt) Ltd, captivated the crowd with his insightful talk on local vaccine development. Ms. Amina Najam, representing NIH Pakistan, delivered a compelling speech, emphasizing the role of science in the creation of life-saving drugs.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Imran, expert in Food Microbiology, shared his expertise on the vital subjects of “Food, Nutrition, and Microbiota.”

In the poster competition, talented undergraduate students showcased their innovative ideas through 3-D posters and models. The competition successfully instilled awareness about food safety among the student community, fostering a culture of conscientiousness towards the preservation of public health. Director Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Javed Iqbal Saggu, expressed his admiration for the organizers’ dedication and applauded their efforts in motivating students to engage in such transformative initiatives. At the conclusion of the event, participants and students were honored with well-deserved certificates, recognizing their outstanding contributions and commitment to food safety advocacy.

Chairman of the Department of Microbiology, Prof. Dr. Naeem Ali, concluded the symposium and urged faculty members and students to continue organizing and participating in similar events, emphasizing their instrumental role in channeling students’ energy towards positive academic pursuits that foster excellence in their careers.