National Seminar On Measuring Earth’s Circumference in Zoya Science Schools
Dr. Sarmad Khawaja graduated from the Quaid-e-Azam University in June 1975. He studied further in Moscow and at Harvard University, in the latter as Fulbright post-doctoral scholar. His publications include the book (co-authored) External Shocks and Domestic Adjustments, Oxford, 1997. He was visiting professor at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen during summer 1991. During 1993-1994 he worked for the Institute of Social Studies Advisory Service of ISS as Social Accounting Matrix Expert at the Federal Bureau of Statistics in Islamabad and helped to compile the complete System of National Accounts statistics for Pakistan . Since 2012 he has built seven Zoya Science schools in South Punjab serving over 2000 underprivileged children.
Through Zoom Video Meeting Link of the meeting will be shared on December 11, 2020 Dr>> Click here for details