Feb 192019
Past Event

3rd International Conference on Recent Advancement in Pharmaceutical Research and Drug Delivery

Importance of the pharmaceutical sciences cannot be neglected in achieving the health care goals in particular reference to the advanced disease conditions. The field of pharmaceutical sciences is growing day by day and its advancement is marking high impact in the fields of drug delivery and medical sciences. This conference would provide a great platform to the leading national researchers from various areas of pharmacy to gather and exchange their ideas and to solve the doubts and queries among the participants in the field of medicine, drug delivery, nanotechnology, industry and drug regulation affairs. Furthermore, the invited speakers from pharmaceutical industry and drug regulation authority of Pakistan would enlightened the process of new drug development and its registration in Pakistan. The relevance and scientific significance of this workshop is quite important from the existing national needs in the promotion of pharmaceutical research and its implication on national level to address the pharma needs if developing advanced level drug delivery protocols. Moreover, it is a need of the day to develop an interlinkage between the Pharma industry, academia and research to develop new drug delivery systems to promote health benefits.

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