23rd IPMC 2023 (International Pure Mathematics Conference)
The 23rd International Pure Mathematics Conference 2023 (23rd IPMC 2023) on Algebra, Analysis and Geometry, will be held in Islamabad from 26 to 28 August 2023. It will provide a stimulating opportunity to interact with experts from various countries in a variety of branches of pure mathematics. The conference will be organized in hybrid mode with first day physical and other two days online.
Emeritus Professor Qaiser Mushtaq, Department of Mathematics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad and the Organizing Committee (OC) has been organizing the International Pure Mathematics Conference (IPMC) annually in Islamabad since 2000. This year, the 23rd IPMC 2023 is being organized in hybrid mode with first day physical and the other two days online. The Programme for three days will be available on the IPMC Website as always.
The organizers of 23rd IPMC 2023 are: Department of Mathematics, QAU, Islamabad (www.qau.edu.pk), Advanced Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS www.aimsciences.org.pk), Pakistan Mathematical Society (PakMS www.pakms.org.pk).
Last date for regisration is 31st July 2023.
Contact: pmcsecretary@hotmail.comTelephone: +923005363384