15th International Pure Mathematics Conference 2014
The 15th International Pure Mathematical Conference 2014 (15th IPMC 2014) is the 15th international conference in the series of Pure Mathematics Conferences that take place in Islamabad every year in August/September. It is a thematic conference on Algebra, Geometry, and Analysis held under the auspices of the Pakistan Mathematical Society (www.pakms.org.pk) and Algebra Forum (www.algebraforum.org.pk). There will be free housing for foreign participants. Some travel grants are available for foreign speakers. Several free recreational trips will be organized in and around Islamabad introducing the unique local and multi-ethnic culture.
Information for registration:Please fill in the on-line registration form at www.pmc.org.pkand find more information therein. The conference is convened by Professor Dr Qaiser Mushtaq (Advanced Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, Islamabad, Pakistan, www.aimsciences.org.pk).