Certificate distribution ceremony of National Idea Bank, NIB competition held

Certificate distribution ceremony of National Idea Bank, NIB competition held

The certificate distribution ceremony of National Idea Bank, NIB Competition was held here on Wednesday. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali, Vice Chancellor, Quaid-i-Azam University attended the ceremony as chief guest and distributed certificates and shields among the winners of different competitions.

While addressing the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali, Vice Chancellor, Quaid-i-Azam University said that every business and venture begins with an idea, to be successful there needs to be a continual series and stream of god and innovative ideas. He lauded the efforts of the organizers and urged the youth to come forward and participate in NIB competition. “Ideas and innovations are not born in to vacuum, these need to be presented, tested and put to productive feedback. It is pleasing to see that our youth sharing ideas without fear of failure under the umbrella of NIB” said the Vice Chancellor.

Briefing audience regarding the initiative, Dr. Hazir Ullah, Director, ORIC, and QAU’s Focal Person for NIB said that National Idea Bank Pakistan is collaboration between Academia, Government, Industry and Society to identify and showcase innovative ideas and to solve indigenous problems. He said under this initiative more than 2000 innovative ideas were received and judged throughout the country while provincial level events for these ideas were arranged in Karachi, Lahore Peshawar, Islamabad. He said some 26 ideas have been selected in the field of Education, Health, E-commerce, Construction, Natural resources, Agriculture for the final ceremony.

National Idea Bank (NIB) was inaugurated by the Honorable President of Pakistan with an aim to promote the talents of Pakistani youth, innovate ideas, solve industry problems and build a strong knowledge based economy.