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Seminar on “Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges”

A seminar on “Globalization: Opportunities and Challenges” organized by Department of Sociology Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) in collaboration with Council of Social Sciences of Pakistan held here on Friday.

Addressing the first round of the seminar Mr. Oliver Mongin, writer, publisher and co-editor of journal “Tousurbainstresses” said that globalization is not only reduced to economic dimension but urban experiences especially migratory flows are destroying the territories and reconstructing it. He further told that adapting urban experiences reveal the future of the world whether it’s France or Pakistan.

Prof. Dr. Mehtab S. Karim of George Mason University, USA, talked about the future of global Muslim Population. He said it is expected that Muslim population will grow at twice the rate as compared to non-Muslims over next twenty years. He further discussed the education, economic wellbeing and importance of youth according to the demographic data.

Dr. Javed Ashraf, Vice Chancellor QAU was of the view that globalization and urbanization has increased the opportunity of economic connectivity. It has created unprecedented economic opportunities.

In his address, Chairman of the Department of Sociology Dr. Muhammad Zaman gave the rationale of the conference and said that globalization was an opportunity to integrate the world. It has reduced the time and space to bring the people together. However, the globalization also increased the risk of global imperialism, terrorism and intolerance. He further added that urbanization is another great challenge. Owing to over population and unplanned urbanization has generated serious social problems: road safety, energy crisis, food insecurity, street crime and violence.