Business Administration
The selected candidates can download/print Fee/Dues Voucher by login to the Online Admission Portal (in Application Status Menu):
Instructions For Submission of Fee/Dues
- The candidates selected and deposited the fee/dues on Regular Basis in 5th Merit List will not be selected in the subsequent list, however, the Regular choices/options will remain intact for the candidates selected and deposited the fee/dues on Self-Finance Basis.
- Those who have deposited the fee/dues against regular seats/subject options, the other choices will be blocked/exhausted.
- The selected candidates are advised to deposit the fee/dues in any Branch of HBL or Askari Bank and may be uploaded scanned Paid Fee/Dues Voucher on the application portal from where downloaded the same upto 10-09-2024 (Tuesday) positively, in case of non-depositing the fee/dues within stipulated period: the candidate next on Merit will be selected on your seat in the subsequent list.
- The confirmation of admission is subject to the production & verification of original requisite documents by the respective departments 02-days before the commencement of classes.
Important Instructions
- After selection the student will deposit the fee/dues online in the University Account within the stipulated period/time.
- After selection and online depositing fee/dues in the University Account, the student will be required to pass the HSSC Examination (as a whole) with at least 50% marks for BS and BA.LLB Programme. In case of less than 50% marks in HSSC, his/her admission will be treated as cancelled.
- (For Undergraduate) After selection and online depositing fee/dues in the University Account, if the student declared as FAILED in the HSSC Examination by the concerned Board, the Fee/Dues as deposited by him/her will not be refunded under any circumstances except refundable securities.
- (For Undergraduate) After selection and online depositing fee/dues in the University Account, the student will be required to submit his/her HSSC passed result card within the stipulated period in the concerned Department/ Institute/ School/Centre. If the selected student failed to submit the required certificate his/her admission will be treated as cancelled.
The following shall not be eligible for admission to BS/LLB programmes of study: -
- Those who have failed under the examination rules of this University.
- Those who have ceased to be a student of this University under the examinations rules.
- Those who already possess BS/LLB or its equivalent degree from this or any other University.
- Those who are already on the rolls of this University.
- Those who have been expelled from the University on disciplinary grounds.
- No student of BS or equivalent degree holder shall be admitted to a second or subsequent BS/LLB Programme (either on Regular OR Self-Finance basis) in the University Teaching Departments/ Centers/Institutes/ School under any circumstances.
- The admission shall be cancelled on the written request of the student concerned as per approved rules duly recommended by the respective Chairman/Director and the Dean of the Faculty concerned.
- In case of incorrect/misleading information or concealment of facts, the University reserves the right to refuse/cancel the admission and expel the applicant (student) from the University at any time.
- The Vice-Chancellor may cancel/refuse admission to any student without assigning reasons.
- The students whose names were dropped or struck off from the rolls of QAU or any University Teaching Department/ Center/Institute due to shortage of lectures or non-payment of dues or poor performance or non-appearance in examination etc., in the semester, shall not be granted admission. The Syndicate may consider such cases on the recommendations of the University Admission Committee.
- The students dropped or struck off from the rolls of any University Teaching Department/Center/Institute due to poor performance under semester system shall not be granted re-admission in any case in the same Discipline.