Energy-Driven Economic Growth: Energy Consumption-Economic Growth Nexus Revisited for China Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 50, 5, 159-168, 2014
Military Expenditures and Economic Growth: Allowing Structural Breaks in Time Series Analysis in the Case of India and Pakistan [Forthcoming in Quality and Quantity]
“Growth Effects of Fiscal Decentralization: Empirical Evidence from Chinese Provinces” Emerging Market Trade and Finance 50 (2014) 4, 176–195
Fiscal deficit and inflation: New evidences from Pakistan using a bounds testing approach. Economic Modelling 37 (2014) 120–126
“Energy-growth conundrum in energy exporting and importing countries: Evidence from heterogeneous panel methods robust to cross-sectional dependence” Forthcoming in Energy Economics 44 (2014) 314–324
Tourism-growth nexus in Pakistan: Evidence from ARDL bounds tests. Economic Modelling 35 (2013) 185–191
“Modeling the impact of education on the economic growth: Evidence from aggregated and disaggregated time series data of Pakistan” Economic Modelling 31,383–388
Modeling income inequality and openness in the framework of Kuznets curve: New evidence from China in Economic Modelling 2012: 309–315
Long-run relationship between income inequality and financial development in China in Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy 16, 202–214.
The Impact of Financial Development on the Environment in China: Empirical Evidence from Autoregressive Distributed Lag Bounds Tests. Energy Economics 33, 284-291.
Impact of Financial Development on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of the Asian Pacific Economy 16, 71-80
Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions: A Cointegration Analysis for China. Energy Policy 37, 5167-5172
Finance-growth nexus in China revisited: New evidence from principal components and ARDL bounds tests. International Review of Economic and Finance 19, 189-195
Financial Development, Economic Growth and Adaptive Efficiency: A Comparison between China and Pakistan China & World Economy 16, 97-111
Stock Market and Investment in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Turkey Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research, 22(4), 17-29
Openness and Economic Growth in an Emerging Economy: The Case of Russia Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research, 22(2), 63-73
Real Exchange Rate Changes and the Trade Balance: The Evidence from Pakistan The International Trade Journal, 26:139–153,
Financial Development and GDP Volatility in China. Economics Notes 39, 27-41.
Explaining Exchange Rate Movements: An Application of the Market Microstructure Approach on the Pakistani Foreign Exchange Market Journal of Developing Areas 44, 55-65
Other Peer Reviewed Publications
Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in Portugal. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2015, 5(2), 475-481.
Almost Ideal Demand System and Uniform Taxation in Pakistan: Econometric Evidences for Consumer Goods in Pakistan, 1984-2008. Applied Econometrics and International Development 13-2 2013
The Effect of Monetary Policy on Price Stabilization and Economic Growth: A comparative Study between China and Pakistan. Economic Review, .2, .51-61 [in Chinese Language]
Corruption and GDP Growth: A nexus revisited in Forman Journal of Economic Studies 4, 73-86
On the Relationship between NEER and REER Movements: Empirical Evidence from China. Banking and Finance Letter 2, 02
Financial Development and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan and China Journal of Economic Cooperation among Islamic Countries 29, 29-68
The Optimal Demand for Foreign Exchange Reserves in Pakistan. International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies. 5, 33-48
The Finance-Fluctuation Nexus: Further Evidence from Pakistan and China International Research Journal of Finance and Economics 14, 212-231
Effectiveness of Foreign Exchange Intervention: Evidence from Pakistan; SBP Research Bulletin 3, 191-208
Money Demand Function for Pakistan, Forman Journal of Economic Studies 3, 32-60
Testing Monetarist’s Doctrine for China, Journal of Chinese Economic and Finance 3, 61-79.
Impact of Terrorism on Economy of Pakistan: The Role of Print Media: Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences 31, 80-94