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List of Publications of Prof. Dr. Arshad M. Mirza (S.I.)
International Journals:
1. Heat Transport Formula in Strongly Inhomogeneous Plasmas Phys. Lett., A 141, 56 (1989) (Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and M. S. Qaisar)
2. Delocalized Heat Flux for Low-Z Plasmas Phys. Lett., A 144, 164 (1990) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
3. An Improved Nonlocal Heat Transport Formula for Steep Temperature Gradients Physica Scripta, 41, 262 (1990) (Arshad M. Mirza and G. Murtaza)
4. Modified Nonlocal Heat Transport Formula For Steep Temperature Gradients Phys. Rev., A 41, 4460 (1990) (Arshad M. Mirza and G. Murtaza)
5. Nonlocal Electron Transport in Laser-Produced Plasmas Physica Scripta, 42, 85 (1990) (Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and M. S. Qaisar)
6. Weak Ambipolar Field Effect on Nonlocal Heat Transport Physica Scripta, 42, 347 (1990) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
7. Electron Thermal Conduction for Steep Temperature Gradients Plasma Phys. & Cont. Fusion, 33, 215 (1991) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
8. Heat Flux for Low-Z Plasma in the Presence of Weak Ambipolar Field Physica Scripta, 44, 376 (1991) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
9. Effect of Weak Ambipolar Field on Nonlocal Heat Transport using the Non-Diffusive Approximation J. Plasma Phys., 45, 51(1991) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
10. Role of Electron Self-Interaction on Heat Transport in a Finite-Z Plasma Physica Scripta, 46, 155 (1992) (G. Murtaza, M. S. Qaisar and Arshad M. Mirza) 11. Thermal Transport in the Presence of Steep Gradients and Strong Ambipolar Field Physica Scripta, 47, 811 (1993) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
12. Theoretical Model for a Finite-Thickness Gas-Puff Z-theta Pinch Mod. Phys. Lett. B 7, 1655(1993) (Arshad M. Mirza, M. Iqbal, N.A.D. Khattack and G. Murtaza)
13. Role of Inverse Bremsstrahlung Absorption and Electrostatic Potential on Energy Transport Mechanism in Laser-Produced Plasmas Physica Scripta, 50, 403 (1994) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
14. Fusion Conditions in a Finite-Thickness Gas-Puff Staged Z-Pinch J. Plasma Physics, 52, 365 (1994) (Arshad M. Mirza, N.A.D. Khattak, M. Iqbal and G. Murtaza)
15. Thermal Effects on the Dynamics of a Two-Gas Gas-Puff Z- theta Pinch J. Plasma Physics, 53, 135 (1995) (M.H. Nasim, M. Salahuddin and Arshad M. Mirza)
16. Electromagnetic Instability in Nonuniform Resistive Electron Magnetohydrodynamics Plasma Physics, 3(3), 731 (1996) (Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and P.K. Shukla)
17. Thermonuclear Fusion with a Spinning Gas-Puff Staged Pinch Plasma Physics & Cont. Fusion, 38, 847 (1996) (Arshad M. Mirza, N.A.D.Khattak, M. Salahuddin and G. Murtaza)
18. Magnetic Electron Drift Vortex in Magnetized Plasma Physica Scripta, 55, 599 (1997) (M. Khizar, Arshad M. Mirza, M. Salahuddin and M.S. Qaisar)
19. Chaotic Behavior of Nonlinearly Coupled Electromagnetic Modes in Nonuniform Magnetoplasmas Physics Lett. A, 229, 313 (1997) (Arshad M. Mirza and P.K. Shukla)
20. Magnetic Electron Drift Vortex Modes with the Ion Dynamics Physics of Plasmas, 4(6), 2302 (1997) (Arshad M. Mirza and P.K. Shukla)
21. Drift-Ballooning Modes in the Presence of Charged Dust Impurities in a Nonuniform Rotating Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 5(1), 167 (1998) (P.K. Shukla, Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and R.T. Faria Jr.,)
22. Vortex Formation in Sheared Flow Driven Fluctuations in Nonuniform Magnetized Dusty Gases Phys. Rev. E, 57, 1047 (1998) (Arshad M. Mirza, R.T. Faria Jr., P.K. Shukla and G. Murtaza)
23. Nonlinear Dynamics of Electromagnetic Turbulence in a Nonuniform Magnetized Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 5(3), 616 (1998) (P.K. Shukla, Arshad M. Mirza and R.T. Faria Jr.,)
24. Dynamics of High-Density theta-Pinch Driven by a Spinning Gas-Puff Plasma Annulus Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 40, 393 (1998) (Arshad M. Mirza, Ming Y. Yu and I. Ahmad)
25. Parallel Ion Velocity Shear Driven Electromagnetic Fluctuations and Associated Particle Transport in Partially Ionized Plasmas J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9417 (1998) (P.K. Shukla, Arshad M. Mirza and R.T. Faria Jr.,)
26. Microturbulence in the Presence of Energetic Alpha Particles in Fusion Plasmas Physica Scripta, 57, 261 (1998) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza and P.K. Shukla)
27. Order and Chaos in Magnetic Electron Drift Vortex Turbulence J. Plasma Physics, 59, 499 (1998) (Arshad M. Mirza, P.K. Shukla, Ming Y. Yu and L. Stenflo)
28. Linear and Nonlinear Dispersive Alfve’n Waves in Two-Ion Plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 5(8), 2947 (1998) (R.T. Faria, Arshad M. Mirza, P.K. Shukla & O.A.Pokhotelov)
29. Self-Organized and Chaotic States in Nonuniform Dusty Magnetoplasmas with Sheared-Flows Physica Scripta, T 75, 158 (1998) (R.T. Faria Jr., Arshad M. Mirza and P.K. Shukla)
30. Energy Loss of Charged Projectiles in Dusty Plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 5(10), 3581 (1998) (M.H. Nasim, Arshad M. Mirza, M.S. Qaisar, et al., )
31. Energy Loss of a Test Particle in Dusty Plasmas: Collective and Individual Particle Contributions Physica Scripta, 59, 379 (1999) (M.H.Nasim, Arshad M. Mirza, G.Murtaza & P.K.Shukla)
32. Radiative Collapse in an Impurity Seeded Spinning Gas-Puff Staged Pinch J. Plasma Physics, 61, 77 (1999) (Arshad M. Mirza, Z. Ahmad, N.A.D. Khattak and G. Murtaza)
33. Chaos in the Parallel Sheared Plasma Flow Driven Electromagnetic Turbulence in Nonuniform Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 6, 1107 (1999) (Arshad M. Mirza,T. Rafiq, G.Murtaza, P.K.Shukla et al.,)
34. Plasma Vortices and Chaos in Velocity Gradient Driven Electromagnetic Fluctuations Physica Scripta, T82, 20 (1999) (G. Murtaza, Arshad M. Mirza, T. Rafiq, & P. K. Shukla)
35. Anomalous Heat Transport and Vortex Formation due to Electron- Temperature-Gradient Driven Drift Waves in a Sheared Flow Plasma Physica Scripta, 60, 261 (1999) (Arshad M. Mirza, T.Rafiq, A.Qamar, G.Murtaza, et al.,)
36. Nonlinear Dynamics and Anomalous Energy Transport in an Electrostatic ITG Drift-Dissipative Mode Physics of Plasmas, 6, 3571 (1999) (T. Rafiq, Arshad M. Mirza, A. Qamar, G. Murtaza et al.,)
37. Order and Chaos in ETG-Driven Drift Dissipative Waves with Sheared Flows J. Plasma Physics, 62(5), 531 (1999) (Arshad M. Mirza,T. Rafiq, A.Qamar, G.Murtaza, et al.,)
38. Formation of Vortex Streets due to Nonlinearly Interacting Ion- Temperature Gradient Modes Physics of Plasmas, 7(1), 166 (2000) (T. Farid, Arshad M. Mirza, and P. K. Shukla)
39. Energy Loss of a Test Charge in Partially Ionized Dusty Plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 7(2), 762 (2000) (M.H. Nasim, Arshad M. Mirza, M.S.Qaisar, et al.,)
40. Energy Loss of a Test Charge in Collisional Dusty Plasmas Physica Scripta, 61, 628 (2000) (M.H.Nasim, Arshad M. Mirza, G.Murtaza and P.K. Shukla)
41. Electromagnetic Ion-Temperature-Gradient Modes and Anomalous Transport in a Nonuniform Magnetized Plasma with Equilibrium Flows Physics of Plasmas, 7(4), 1125 (2000) (T. Rafiq, A. Qamar, Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza et al.,)
42. Alfven Vortices and Chaos in Electron-Positron Dusty Magnetoplasma with Equilibrium Flows Physics of Plasmas, 7(9), 3588 (2000) (Arshad M. Mirza)
43. Study of Plasma Parameters in a Spinning Thick-Gas-Puff Staged Pinch Physica Scripta, 62, 399 (2000) (N.A.D. Khattak, Z. Ahmad, Arshad M. Mirza and G.Murtaza)
44. Instability of a Broad-Band Langmuir Wave Spectrum in a Dusty Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 7(11), 4446 (2000) (T. Farid, P. K. Shukla, Arshad M. Mirza and L. Stenflo)
45. Counter-rotating Coupled Drift-Acoustic Vortices in the Presence of Ion Flows Physica Scripta, 62, 409 (2000) (Arshad M. Mirza, P. K. Shukla and T. Farid)
46. Chaotic Behavior of Ion-Temperature-Gradient Driven Drift-Dissipative Modes Physics of Plasmas, 7(11), 4499 (2000) (T. Rafiq, A. Qamar, Arshad M. Mirza and G. Murtaza)
47. Formation of Vortices in the Presence of Sheared Electron Flows in the Earth’s Ionosphere Planetary and Space Science, 48, 1505 (2000) (T. Farid, P.K. Shukla, P.H. Sakanaka and Arshad M. Mirza)
48. Reply- Comments on “Parallel Ion Velocity Shear Driven Electromagnetic Fluctuations and Associated Particle Transport in Partially Ionized Plasmas” J. GeoPhysical Research-Space Physics, 105, 18597 (2000) (P. K. Shukla, Arshad M. Mirza and R. T. Faria Jr.)
49. Electrostatic Ion-Temperature-Gradient Modes and Anomalous Transports in a Collision-Dominated Plasma Physica Scripta, 63, 43 (2001) (T. Farid, Arshad M. Mirza, P. K. Shukla and G. Murtaza)
50. Wake-field Excitations in a Multi-component Dusty Plasma Physica Scripta, T89, 191 (2001) (M.H. Nasim, Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and P.K. Shukla)
51. Tripolar Vortices Associated with Toroidal Ion-Temperature-Gradient Modes in a Magnetoplasma with Sheared Flows Physics of Plasmas, 8(3), 846 (2001) (T. Farid, Arshad M. Mirza, P. K. Shukla and A. Qamar)
52. Nonlinear Electrostatic Waves in a Magnetized Dust-Ion Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 8(5), 1529 (2001) (T. Farid, A. A. Mamun, P. K. Shukla and Arshad M. Mirza)
53. High beta Relaxed States with Internal Conductor Plasma Configuration Physics of Plasmas, 8(5), 1559 (2001) (M. Iqbal, Arshad M. Mirza, G. Murtaza and Z. Yoshida)
54. Fomation of a Tripolar Vortex in a Contaminated Magnetoplasma with Sheared Flows IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., 29, No. 2, 298 (2001) (Arshad M. Mirza, T. Farid, P. K. Shukla and L. Stenflo)
55. Thermonuclear Fusion in a Multicascade Liner Staged Pinch Laser and Particle Beams, 19, 657 (2001) (Z.Ahmad, Arshad M. Mirza, N.A.D. Khattak and G. Murtaza)
56. Fully Nonlinear Dust Kinetic Alfven Waves Physics of Plasmas, 9(9), 3794 (2002) (M.A.Mahmood, Arshad M. Mirza, P. H. Sakanaka et al.,)
57. Self-organized and Chaotic States in Dust-Contaminated Electron-Positron Magnetoplasma with Equilibrium Flows Physica Scripta, 66, 376 (2002) (Arshad M. Mirza and Khalid Khan)
58. Formation of Quadrapolar Vorices in Ion-Temperature-Gradient Driven Modes Physics of Plasmas, 10 (7), 2819 (2003) A. Qamar, Arshad M. Mirza, G.Murtaza, J.Vranjes et al.,)
59. Effect of Charge Fluctuations on the Debye Shielding and Energy Loss of N x M Projectiles in a Dusty Plasma Physica Scripta, 68, 285 (2003) (M.A. Sarwar, Arshad M. Mirza, M.Salahuddin et al.,)
60. Electrostatic Instabilities and Nonlinear Structures of Low-Frequency Waves in Nonuniform Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas with Shear Flow Physics of Plasmas, 10 (10), 4675 (2003) (Arshad M. Mirza, A. Hasan, M. Azeem and H. Saleem)
61. Effect of Grain-Size Distribution on the Energy Loss of a Pair of Charged Projectiles in a Dust-Contaminated Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 10 (10), 4253 (2003) (Arshad M. Mirza, M. A. Sarwar and M. S. Qaisar)
62. Exact Nonlinear Dust Kinetic Alfven Waves in a Dust-Ion Plasma New Journal of Physics, 5, 116.1-116.11 (2003) (Arshad M. Mirza, M. A. Mahmood and G. Murtaza)
63. Localized Nonlinear Dust Kinetic Alfven Waves in a Two-Ion-Temperature Dusty Plasma Physica Scripta, 69, 328 (2004) (Arshad M. Mirza and M. A. Mahmood)
64. Sheared-Flow-Driven Ion-Acoustic Drift-Wave Instabilities and the Formation of Quadrupolar Vortices in a Nonuniform Electron-Positron-Ion Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 11 (9), 4341(2004) (Arshad M. Mirza and M. Azeem)
65. Thermonuclear Fusion Conditions in an Impurity-Seeded Multicascade Liner Staged Z-Pinch Physica Scripta, 70(4), 265 (2004) (Arshad M. Mirza and F. Deeba)
66. Electrostatic Vortices Associated with Ion-Temperature-Gradient Driven Drift-Modes in Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 11(10), 4727 (2004) (M. Azeem and Arshad M. Mirza)
67. Low-frequency Solitary Waves in Magnetized Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas Chinese Phys. Lett. 22(3), 632 (2005) (M.A.Mahmood, S.Mahmood, Arshad M. Mirza et al.,)
68. Effect of Ion-Temperature-Gradients on the Formation of Drift-Alfven Vortices in Electron-Positron-Ion Magnetoplasma with Equilibrium Flows Physics of Plasmas, 12, 052306 (2005) (M. Azeem and Arshad M. Mirza)
69. Effect of Charge Fluctuations and Collisions on the Energy Loss of NxM Projectiles for a Generalized Lorentzian Dusty Plasma Physics of Plasmas 12, 062108 (2005) (M. Adnan Sarwar and Arshad M. Mirza)
70. Finite-beta Effect on the Dynamics of Double Gas-Puff Staged Pinch Physica Scripta, 72, 399 (2005) (F. Deeba, K. Ahmed, M. Q. Haseeb and Arshad M. Mirza)
71. Shear Flow Driven Drift-Waves and the Counter-Rotating Vortices Physics of Plasmas, 12, 104504 (2005) (Q. Haque, H. Saleem and Arshad M. Mirza)
72. Implosion Dynamics of High-Density Fiber Plasma Driven by Imploding Multicascade Liner Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 19(22), 1095 (2005) (F. Deeba, K. Ahmed, M. Q. Haseeb and Arshad M. Mirza)
73. Self-Gravitation Effect on the Nonlinear Dynamics of Electron-Positron-Ion Magnetoplasma Physica Scripta, 73, 120 (2006) (M. Azeem and Arshad M. Mirza)
74. Effect of Self-gravitation on the Energy Loss of Pair of Projectiles in Dusty Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 13, 052106 (2006) (Arshad M. Mirza, M. Adnan Sarwar and M. S. Qaisar)
75. Chaotic behavior of nonlinearly coupled electrostatic and electromagnetic modes in electron-positron-ion magnetoplasma with equilibrium flows Physics of Plasmas, 13, 062308 (2006) (M. Azeem and Arshad M. Mirza)
76. Energy loss of charged projectiles in a self-gravitating Lorentzian dusty plasma Physics of Plasmas, 13, 072107 (2006) (M. Adnan Sarwar, Arshad M. Mirza and Assad A. Malik)
77. Nonlinear dynamics of electrostatic ion-temperature-gradient modes in a dust-contaminated plasma with variable charge and sheared ion flow Physics of Plasmas, 13, 082302 (2006) (L. Azimi, Arshad M. Mirza and M. Yaqub Khan)
78. Electrostatic Ion-Temperature-Gradient Drift-Waves and Anomalous Energy Transport in a Collisional Dusty Magnetoplasma Physica Scripta, 75, 66 (2007) (L. Azimi, Arshad M. Mirza and M. Yaqub Khan)
79. Cylindrical and Spherical Dust-Acosutic Solitary Waves in Adiabatically Hot Dusty Plasmas Physica Scripta, 75, 755 (2007) (Arshad M. Mirza, S. Mahmood, N. Jehan and N. Ali)
80. Vortex Formation in a Nonuniform Self-Gravitating Dusty Magnetoplasma J. Plasma Physics, 73, 591 (2007) (Aisha Ijaz, Arshad M. Mirza and M. Azeem)
81. Effect of self-gravitation and dust charge fluctuations on the shielding and energy loss of NxM projectiles in a collisional dusty plasma Physics of Plasmas, 14, 032110 (2007) (M. Adnan Sarwar, and Arshad M. Mirza)
82. Shielding of NxM projectiles in a Collisional, Self-Gravitating, Generalized Lorentzian dusty plasma Physics of Plasmas, 14, 073702 (2007) (M. Adnan Sarwar, Arshad M. Mirza and M. S. Qaisar)
83. Formation of tripolar vortices in toroidal ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in the presences of dust-contamination Physics of Plasmas, 14, 083701 (2007) (Arshad M. Mirza, A. Qamar, M. Y. Khan and M. Ayub)
84. Cylindrical and Spherical Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Adiabatically Hot Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas Physica Scripta, 76, 661 (2007) (N. Jehan, Arshad M. Mirza and S. Mahmood)
85. Zero-dimensioanl MHD modelling of two-gas-puff staged pinch plasma with finite-beta effect Mathematical Physics Proceedings, (World Scientific Publishing, New Jersey), pp.283-289 (2007) (Arshad M. Mirza, F. Deeba, K. Amhed and M.Q. Haseeb)
86. Cylindrical and spherical dust ion-acoustic solitary waves in quantum plasmas Physics Lett. A. 372, 148(2008) (S. A. Khan, S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza)
87. Ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in very dense magnetoplasmas Physics of Plasmas, 15, 022106 (2008) (Arshad M. Mirza and P. K. Shukla)
88. Planar and non-planar ion acoustic shock waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas Physics Lett. A. 372, 4279 (2008) (W. Masood, N.Jehan, Arshad M. Mirza and P.H. Sakanaka)
89. Ion-acoustic shock waves in electron-positron-ion quantum plasma Physics of Plasmas, 15, 072106 (2008) (W. Masood, Arshad M. Mirza and M. Hanif)
90. Modulational instability of low-frequency electrostatic ion-waves in magnetized electron-positron-ion plasma Physics of Plasmas, 15, 092301 (2008) (N. Jehan, M. Salahuddin, H. Saleem and Arshad M. Mirza)
91. Dust-acoustic vortices in an inhomogeneous quantum magnetoplasma with dissipation and sheared dust flow Physics of Plasmas, 15, 103703 (2008) (W. Masood, Arshad M. Mirza and S. Nargis)
92. Ion-temperature-gradient driven modes in bi-ion magnetoplasmas Physica Scripta, 78, 065503 (2008) (N. Batool, Anisa Qamar and Arshad M. Mirza)
93. Ion-acoustic vortices in a nonuniform, dissipative quantum magnetoplasma with sheared ion flows Physics of Plasmas, 15, 122305 (2008) (W. Masood, Arshad M. Mirza and S. Nargis)
94. Study of plasma parameters in a staged pinch device using current stepping technique J. Plasma Physics, 75(4), 509 (2009) (F. Deeba, K. Amhed, M.Q. Haseeb and Arshad M. Mirza)
95. Nonplanar Ion-Acoustic Solitons in Electron-Poistron-Ion Quantum Plasmas Chinese Physics Letter, 26(4), 045203 (2009) (S. A. Khan, S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza)
96. Quadrupole Vortex Formation in Ion-Temperature-Gradient Driven Modes in Dust-Contaminated Magnetoplasma Physica Scripta, 79(2), 025505 (2009) (A. Qamar, Arshad M. Mirza, M. Y. Khan)
97. Electrostatic Solitary Ion Waves in Dense Electron-Positron-Ion Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 16(4), 042313 (2009) (N.Jehan, M.Salahuddin, S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza)
98. Ion-acoustic Vortices in Inhomogenious and Dissipative Electron-Positron-Ion Quantum Plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 16(4), 042308 (2009) (W. Masood, Arshad M. Mirza, S. Nargis and M. Ayub)
99. Planar and Nonplanar Dust-Acoustic Solitary Waves in Electron-Positron- Ion-Dust Plasmas Physica Scripta, 80, 035506 (2009) (N. Jehan, W. Masood and Arshad M. Mirza)
100. Counter-Rotating Coupled Drift-Acoustic Vortices in the Presence of Sheared Ion Flows in Electron-Ion Quantum Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 16, 084503 (2009) (W. Masood, S.M. Mirza and Arshad M. Mirza)
101. Rayleigh-Taylor/Gravitational Instability in Dense Magetoplasma Physics Lett. A. 373, 2940 (2009) (S. Ali, Z. Ahmed, Arshad M. Mirza, and I. Ahmed)
102. Oblique Modulation of Ion-Acoustic Waves and Envelope Solitons in Electron-Positron-Ion Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 16, 062305 (2009) (N.Jehan, M. Salahuddin, S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza)
103. Propagation and Stability of Quantum Dust-Ion-Acoustic Shock Waves in Planar and Nonplanar Geometry Physics of Plasmas, 16, 013705 (2009) (W. Masood, S. Siddiq, S. Nargis and Arshad M. Mirza)
104. Nonplanar Ion-Acoustic Solitons in a Two-Electron-Temperature Plasma Chinese Physics Letter, 26(12), 122301(2009) (W. Masood, S. Hussain, S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza)
105. Revisiting Coupled Shukla-Varma and Coonvetive Cell Modes in Classical and Quantum Dusty Magnetoplasma J. Plasma Physics, 76, 547 (2010). (W. Masood, Arshad M. Mirza and S. Nargis)
106. Perpendicular Propagating Electromagnetic Envelop Solitons in Electron- Positron-Ion Plasma Physics of Plasmas, 17(5), 052308 (2010) (N. Jehan, M. Salahuddin and Arshad M. Mirza)
107. A New Equation in Two Dimensional Fast Magnetoacoustic Shock Waves in Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 17(3), 032314 (2010) (W. Masood, N. Jehan and Arshad M. Mirza)
108. Electron-Acoustic Vortices in Multicomponent Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 17(5), 054505 (2010) (Q. Haque, Arshad M. Mirza and S. Nargis)
109. Electrostatic Pair-Ion Solitons in Nonplanar Geometries Physics of Plasmas, 17(3), 034504 (2010) (S. Mahmood, S. Hussain and Arshad M. Mirza)
110. Dipolar Vortex Formation in Electromagnetic Ion-Temperature-Gradient Driven Waves in a Dust-Contaminated Magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 17, 062301 (2010) (A. Qamar, M.Y.Khan, Arshad M. Mirza and Z. Ahmad)
111. Electrostatic Drift-Wave Instability in a nonuniform Quantum Magnetoplasma with Parallel velocity Shear Flows Physics of Plasmas, 17(10), 102705 (2010) (Sabeen Tariq, Arshad M. Mirza and W. Masood)
112. Electron thermal effect on linear and nonlinear coupled Shukla-Varma and convective cell modes in dust-contaminated magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 17(11), 113702 (2010) (W. Masood and Arshad M. Mirza)
113. Magnetic Electron Drift-Vortex Modes in an Inhomogeneous Quantum Plasma J. Plasma Physics, 77, 367 (2011) (Ismat Naeem, Arshad M. Mirza, W. Masood and T. Farid)
113. Formation of dipolar vortices and vortex streets due to nonlinearly interacting ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes in dense magnetoplasmas J. Plasma Physics, 77, 245 (2011) (N. Batool and Arshad M. Mirza)
114. Chaos in toroidal ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes in dust-contaminated magnetoplasma Physica Scripta, 83, 065503 (2011) (Anisa Qamar, M. Y. Khan, Atta-Ullah-Shah, Arshad M. Mirza and M. Ayub)
115. Shear driven electromagnetic drift-waves in a nonuniform dense magnetoplasma Physics of Plasmas, 18(08), 082708 (2011) (Sabeen Tariq, Arshad M. Mirza and W. Masood)
116. Landau damping of ion-acoustic wave in Lorentzian multi-ion plasmas Physics of Plasmas, 18 (7), 092115 (2011) (Kashif Arshad, S. Mahmood and Arshad M. Mirza)
117. Ion-acoustic vortex formation in a nonuniform two-electron temperature magnetoplasma with sheared ion flow J. Plasma Physics, (2011) in press (Nazia Batool, Ismat Naeem, Arshad M. Mirza and W. Masood)