Name: Dr. Farhan Hanif Siddiqi
Designation: Professor
Department: School of Politics and International Relations

Qualifications: 2010
PhD (University of Karachi). Thesis Title: The State and Politics of Ethnicity in Post-1971 Pakistan: The Baloch, Sindhi and Mohajir Ethnic Movements.

Master of Science in Theory and History of  International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Master of Arts in International Relations from the University of Karachi. 

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations from the University of Karachi.

Phone: +92-51 9064-2408
Status: On Job
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Research Interests Publications Conferences Research Projects

·         Ethnic politics and movements

·         Conflict Analysis and Resolution

·         Federalism

·         Societal Security

·         Democratic Consolidation


a)      Books

1.        (2023) with Muhammad Nadeem Mirza. Introducing International Relations: Concepts, Theories, and Practices (Oxford University Press)

2.      (2012) The Politics of Ethnicity in Pakistan: The Baloch, Sindhi and Mohajir Ethnic Movements (Routledge)

3.      (2001) Moonis Ahmar and Farhan Hanif Siddiqi (eds.), The Challenges of Conflict Resolution and Security in 21st Century: Problems and Prospects (University of Karachi Press)

b)     Articles in Refereed Journals

1.      (2024) "Navigating Pakistan’s religious, social and political fault lines in the 1980s: Contemporary trends and relevance." Studies in Indian Politics 12 (1): 65-77.

2.      (2023) “Contemplating peace between India and Pakistan.” Orbis 67 (3): 420-440.

3.      (2022) with Muhammad Nadeem Mirza. “Ethnic identity and the demand for new provinces in Pakistan: Results from a survey data in Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 43 (1): 1-19.

4.      (2022) “Unity in Diversity: Constituting and Constructing Pakistan’s National Identity.” The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs 111 (6): 709-723.

5.      (2022) “US Indo-Pacific Strategy and Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: The Hedging Option.” Strategic Studies 42 (1): 1-16.

6.      (2020) “Eighteenth Amendment and the Paradox of Intra-Provincial Ethnic Discord in Pakistan.” Pakistan Journal of History and Culture 41 (2): 45-62.

7.      (2020) “Political parties as transmitters of political culture: competitive party dynamics and political sub-cultures in Pakistan.” Chinese Political Science Review 5 (4): 534-554.

8.      (2019) “Discrimination is what ethnic groups make of it: Subjective perceptions of peripherality among the Mohajirs of Pakistan.” Nations and Nationalism 25 (2): 697-717.

9.      (2016) “Security Estimations in South Asia: Alliance Formation or Balance of Power.” Strategic Studies 36 (2): 75-91.

10.  (2014) “Pakistan and Singapore as small powers: Comparative thematic evaluation and policy imperatives.” African and Asian Studies 13 (1-2): 187-204.

11.  (2013) “General Elections in Pakistan 2013: The Consolidation of Democracy?” Pakistan Horizon 66 (1-2): 15-28.

12.  (2012) “Security Dynamics in Pakistani Balochistan: Religious Activism and Ethnic Conflict in the War on Terror.” Asian Affairs: An American Review 39 (3): 157-175.

13.  (2012) “India-China relations in the 21st century: Impact on Regional and Global Politics.” Pakistan Horizon 65 (2): 59-72.

14.  (2012) “Russia-NATO Ties: Impact on Neighbouring Regions.” Journal of European Studies 28 (1): 78-98.

15.  (2011) “Morgenthau and Waltz: Traversing the Theoretical Path from Realism to Neorealism.” Pakistan Journal of International Relations 2 (II): 31-59.

16.  (2010) “Nation-Formation and National Movement(s) in Pakistan: A Critical Estimation of Hroch’s Stage Theory.” Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 38 (6): 777-792.

17.  (2010) “Intra-Ethnic Fissures in Ethnic Movements: The Rise of Mohajir Identity Politics in Post-1971 Pakistan.” Asian Ethnicity 11 (1): 25-41.

18.  (2009) “Pakistan’s Federal Predicament.” Nepali Journal of Contemporary Studies IX (1): 56-73.

19.  (2000) “The State, Relative Deprivation and War: A Case Study of the Secession of East Pakistan, 1947-1971.” Pakistan Perspectives 5 (1): 95-114.

20.  (2000) “The Effects of Debts on Pakistan’s National Security, National Development and Security.” IX (2): 37-49.

c)      Chapters in Edited Books

1.      (2023) Rescuing the agency and resilience of civilian political actors: Civil-military relations in Pakistan, 2008-2020. In Constitutional Resilience Beyond Courts: Views from South Asia, edited by Tarunabh Khaitan, Dinesha Samararatne and Swati Jhaveri. Oxford: Hart Publishers.

2.      (2022) Ethnic Faultline as Gray Zones of Hybrid Warfare. In Living Under Hybrid War, edited by Ashfaque Hassan Khan and Farah Naz. Islamabad: NUST Press.

3.      (2021) Ethnic Movements and the State in Pakistan: A Politics of Ethnicity Perspective. In Race and Ethnicity in Asia, edited by Michael Weiner. New York and London: Routledge.

4.      (2020) Post-pandemic politics of the 18th Amendment in Pakistan. In Making Sense of Post COVID-19 World Politics, edited by Huma Baqai and Nausheen Wasi. Karachi: Lightstone Publishers.

5.      (2018) Peregrination of Sindh’s March towards Pakistan: Communal Politics, Class Conflict and Competing Nationalisms. In Partition of India: Postcolonial Legacies, edited by Amit Ranjan. London: Routledge.

6.      (2018) CPEC and Geo-Politico-Economic Trends of the Region: An Appraisal. In Changing Security Situation in South Asia and Development of CPEC, edited by Sarah Siddiq Aneel. Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research Institute.

7.      (2017) Regional Dynamics and Implications for Afghanistan. In Achieving Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges and Prospects, edited by Sarah Siddiq Aneel. Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research Institute.

8.      (2015) Political Economy of the Ethnonationalist Uprising in Pakistani Balochistan, 1999-2013. In The Political Economy of Conflict in South Asia, edited by Matthew Webb and Albert Wijeweera. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

9.      (2014) Karachi: Violent Politics and Economic Meltdown. In Issues of National Integration and Harmony in Pakistan, edited by Arshi Saleem Hashmi. Islamabad: National Defence University.

10.  (2013) Ethno-Politics, Ethnic Conflict and the State in Pakistan. In Federalism in Pluralistic Developing Societies: Learning from the European Experiences, edited by Naveed Ahmad Tahir. Karachi: University of Karachi Press.

11.  (2011) Nation-Formation and National Movement(s) in Pakistan: A Critical Estimation of Hroch’s Stage Theory. In The Comparative Approach to National Movements: Miroslav Hroch and Nationalism Studies, edited by Alexander Maxwell. London: Routledge.

12.  (2010) Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Balochistan: Recommendations and Analysis. In Balochistan: Rationalisation of Centre-Province Relations, edited by Maqsudul Hasan Nuri, Azhar Ahmad and Farhat Akram. Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research Institute.

13.  (2009) Regional Security Dynamics in the Middle East: The Problematic Search for a Regional Leader. In Regional Leaders in the Global Security Arena: Interests, Strategies and Capabilities, edited by David Bosold et. al. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.

14.  (2009) Theories of International Relations: From Liberal Internationalism to Post-Positivism. In International Relations Today: Theories, Methods and Areas of Research, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.

15.  (2008) The Failed Experiment with Federalism in Pakistan (1947-1971). In Defunct Federalisms: Critical Perspectives on Federal Failure, edited by Emilian Kavalski and Magdalena Zolkos. Burlington: Ashgate.

16.  (2008) A Case Study of Conflict Management in Northern Ireland. In Conflict Management Mechanisms and the Challenge of Peace, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.

17.  (2005) Peace and Conflict Studies in Pakistan. In Social Sciences in Pakistan: A Profile, edited by Inayatullah. Islamabad: Council of Social Sciences.

18.  (2003) Conflict Resolution and Peace: Conceptual and Theoretical Concerns. In Paradigms of Conflict Resolution in South Asia, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Dhaka: The University Press Limited.

19.  (2002) An Introduction to Pakistan’s Ethnic and Religious Conflicts. In Searching for Peace in Central and South Asia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities, edited by Monique Mekenkamp, Paul van Tongeren, and Hans van de Veen. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

20.  (2001) State Building and Internal Security in India and Pakistan: The Need for a Domestic CBM Regime in South Asia. In The Challenge of Confidence-Building in South Asia, edited by Moonis Ahmar. New Delhi: HarAnand Publications.

21. (2001) The Internal, External and Regional Dynamics of Security in South Asia. In The Challenges of Conflict Resolution and Security in 21st Century: Problems and Prospects, edited by Moonis Ahmar and Farhan Hanif Siddiqi. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.

22.  (2000) The Economic Dimension of the CTBT Controversy. In The CTBT Controversy: Different Perceptions in South Asia, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.

23.  (1998) Dual Containment Policy and South Asian Security. In Internal and External Dynamics of South Asian Security, edited by Moonis Ahmar (Karachi: Fazleesons Ltd). 




Civil-Military Relations in Pakistan: Conflict, Competition 

and Co-option in the international conference on Pakistan: 

Revisiting the past, Reimagining the Future organised by 

the Lahore University of Management Sciences.



A “Hybridised” Civil Society: Political, Religious and 

Cultural Contestations in Pakistan in the conference on 

Democratic Backsliding and Civil Society organised by the 

University of Aberdeen and Foundation for Society and 

Legal Research in Istanbul, Turkey.



The Empowerment-Disempowerment Paradox of Power 

Sharing in Karachi, Pakistan: Provincial Government 

versus the Local Bodies System in the conference on 

Managing the Cosmopolitan City: Inter-Asian Strategies of 

Ethnic Administration, Past and Present organised by Asia 

Research Institute, National University of Singapore.



Pakistan’s Perspective on Indo-Pacific in the Strategic 

Dialogue on Challenges to Peace and Security in South 

Asia organised by the Institute of Strategic Studies, 

Islamabad and Myanmar Institute of Strategic and 

International Studies.



Nudging towards democracy? A pathology of Pakistan’s civil-military relations in the 2000s in a workshop on Constitutional Resilience in South Asia organised by The University of Melbourne, Australia.


Federalism, devolution and the discourse on new provinces in Pakistan in a workshop on Federalism in Pakistan organised by CERI-Sciences Po, Paris. 


Political parties, political culture and good governance in Pakistan’s transitioning democracy in an international conference on Political Parties and Good Governance organised by the Fudan University, China. 

2018 Accommodating Mutual Concerns: Prospects (Pakistan Perspective) in a national workshop on Irritants in Pakistan-US Relations: A Way Forward organised by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI). 

2018 The (C)hina (P)akistan (E)thnic (C)onundrum: Pacifying Uighurs and Baloch as Policy Imperatives in a conference on The Great Transformation? The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Culture, Economy and Society in Pakistan organised by LUMS and the University of Nottingham.


Political Impact of a limited nuclear exchange on Pakistan in a Track-II workshop on Disaster Management in South Asia organised by the Stimson Center, Washington DC in Colombo, Sri Lanka


Regional Dynamics and Implications for Afghanistan in an international conference on Achieving Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges and Prospects organised by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)


Balochistan’s place in the evolving geopolitics and geoeconomics in South Asia and the Middle East in the First International Conference on Economics, Business and Social Research held at the Lasbela University


Is Reconciliation Possible? Eighteenth Amendment and the paradox of intra-provincial ethnic discord in Pakistan in an international conference on Pakistan at Seventy: The Long View held at the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)


Rising Intolerance and Radicalisation leading to Violent Extremism in Pakistan: Causes and Analysis in a national conference on Pakistan’s Policy of Countering Violent Extremism: Progress and Challenges held at the National Defence University, Islamabad


Pakistan-China Relations: Between Realism and Constructivism in an international conference on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor held at the Government College University, Lahore


India and China in Regional and Global Security Scenarios: Alliance Formation or Balance of Power? in an international conference on Envisioning South-South Relations and Development: Past, Present and Futures held at the City University of Hong Kong


Karachi: Violent Politics and Economic Meltdown in a national conference on Issues of National Integration and Harmony in Pakistan organised by the National Defence University (NDU), Islamabad


Pakistan’s experience with ethnicity and democracy in a seminar on Managing Democracy in South Asia: Representation, Ethnicity and Political Parties organised by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kathmandu, Nepal


Keynote speaker titled ‘Ethnonationalist Movements, Ethnopolitical Parties and State in Pakistan: The Conflict Within and Between’ in an International Workshop on Reviewing Identity and Nation-Building organised by National Institute of Pakistan Studies, QAU, Islamabad and DAAD


Ethnopolitical parties in Sindh and Balochistan in a panel on Political Parties and the 2013 General Elections in Pakistan at the Karachi Literature Festival


Political and democratic evolution in South Asia: Indian model of democracy in a workshop on The Challenges for Democracy in South Asia: Are there lessons to be learned from Europe? organised by the Area Study Centre for Europe, University of Karachi


Discussant in a workshop on Building Bridges and Promoting People to People Interaction in South Asia organised by the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) in Kathmandu, Nepal


Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Balochistan: Recommendations and Analysis in a National Conference on Balochistan: Rationalization of Centre-Province Relations organised by the Islamabad Policy Research Institute (IPRI)


Accommodating Ethnic Groups in Plural Structures of Governance: Pakistan’s Federal Predicament in a workshop on Constitution Making and State Restructuring organised by the Nepal Centre for Contemporary Studies (NCCS) in Dhulikhel, Nepal


Regional Security Dynamics in the Middle East: The Problematic Search for a Regional Leader in the Arab World in the New Faces Conference organised by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) in Berlin, Germany


The Pakistani State and Ethnic Movements in the War on Terror: A Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry in the Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) Third Annual Social Sciences Conference on Pakistan in the Current Global (Dis) Order

  • Administrative Decentralisation and Effective Governance: Dissecting the Discourse on New Provinces in Pakistan - HEC National Research Program for Universities (NRPU) Research Project, 2017-2019
  • Consultant Expert, EMERICs (Information for Emerging Countries) Project, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, South Korea  
  • Accommodating Religious and Ethnic Minorities in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq - Middle East Research Institute (MERI) Research Project, 2014-2015
  • Iran-Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Relations: The Dynamics of Engagement and Containment - Middle East Research Institute (MERI) Research Project, 2014-2015

Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, 45320, Pakistan.
Tel: +92-51 9064 0000,